
Angular Restmod

Welcome to the restmod reference page!

For a quick usage reference checkout the README

Main Components

The restmod service

The main entry point for the library is the restmod service. This service provides the model factory method that allow creation of new models via the builder DSL.

There is also a restmod provider that allows some global configuration of models.

The Model Builder API

The model builder provides a rich DSL used to describe new model types. There is also support for builder extensions!

An extensive description of the builder usage and options can be found in the BuilderApi section.

The Model Type

Every call to restmod.model generates a new model type.

Every instance of the model is called a record, every record has its own set of instance methods, check the RecordApi section for reference.

The model type has a set of static methods, these are listed in the StaticApi section.

The Collection Type

For every model type there is also a collection type, the collection type holds a set of records bound to a given resource url.

The collection type also has a rich set of instance methods described in the CollectionApi section.

Im also looking forward on moving the docs to docular when non-root support and client side routing are supported.


The restmod lib includes a couple of mixins that can be included in the project to extend the default behaviour of generated models:

  • PagedModel: basic paging support, included in plugins/paged.js. (very basic)
  • DirtyModel: change tracking for record properties, included in plugins/dirty.js.
  • DebouncedModel: provides a debounced/throttled implementation of $save, included in plugins/debounced.js. (DEPRECATED: To be moved to a separate library!)
  • Shared: shared record instances, included in plugins/shared.js.
  • FindMany: batch find by id using the $populate method, included in plugins/find-many.js.
  • Preload: reference relation eager loading via the $preload method, included in plugins/preload.js.

Check the restmod service docs for more information about mixin creation.