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BnFileInput is a wrapper for <input type="file"> elements, designed to work with v-model to simplify management. It returns a file list if it allows multiple files or a single file if it's not.

Basic Usage

The only required prop for BnFileInput is name. The name prop is used to identify the input in the context of a Form or an useForm, or when submitting a form in the traditional way.

<bn-file-input v-model="file" name="name" />

Input Attributes

The BnFileInput component inherits all attributes that a native <input type="file"> element would accept but, since its appearance is customized, some attributes may not work as expected. Common attributes are disabled and multiple:

<bn-file-input name="disabled" placeholder="Disabled" disabled />
<bn-file-input name="multiple" placeholder="Multiple" multiple />


The variant prop can be used to change the appearance of the input. There are two variants included by default: default and avatar.

<bn-file-input name="default" placeholder="Default" />
<bn-file-input name="avatar" variant="avatar" />

Default Appearance

The default appearance is a button with a text label. The buttonText prop can be used to change the text of the button. The placeholder prop can be used to change the text of the placeholder.

<bn-file-input name="default" placeholder="Default" buttonText="Click me!" />


The avatarShape prop can be used to change the shape of the avatar. It can be default or circle.

<bn-file-input name="default" variant="avatar" />
<bn-file-input name="circle" variant="avatar" avatar-shape="circle" />


BnFileInput works with vee-validate out of the box.

<script setup lang="ts">
import { Form } from 'vee-validate';
import isRequired from '../rules';

const validationSchema = {
  file: isRequired,

  <Form :validation-schema="validationSchema">
    <bn-file-input name="file"/>


If you want to validate a field without being in the context of a Form or an useForm, you can use the rules prop.


The rules prop will be ignored if the component is inside a Form or an useForm context with a validationSchema.

<script setup lang="ts">
import isRequired from '../rules';


[TODO] Colors

You can change the color accent of the default variants of the file input using the color prop.

<bn-file-input name="input" color="lime" />
  <bn-file-input name="avatar" color="lime" variant="avatar" />


The color prop only supports the colors set when configuring the library. See Colors for more information.



The default slot allows you to customize the appearance of the entire BnFileInput component. It includes the following slot props:

  • imagePreviewPath: A function that takes a file as input and generates a URL to preview it
  • disabled: A boolean indicating whether the input is disabled
  • openFileDialog: A function that allows you to open the file upload window
  • removeFile: A function that removes the provided file from the value. If the input allows a single file, it sets the value to undefined. If it allows multiple files, it removes the selected file from the list
  • addFile: A function that adds a file. If the input allows a single file, it replaces the older file with the new one. If it allows multiple files, it adds the file to the list
  • value: The input value. If it's a single file input, it returns a file object. If it's a multiple file input, it returns a file list
  <template #default="{ imagePreviewPath, openFileDialog, value, addFile, removeFile, disabled }">
  <div class="w-full">
      class="mb-2 rounded border border-gray-300 py-1 px-2 text-sm shadow"
      Add File
      class="mb-2 rounded border border-gray-300 py-1 px-2 text-sm shadow"
        class="flex w-full items-center border border-t-0 p-1 text-sm first:border-t"
          class="mr-2 h-6 w-6 rounded-full"
        <span class="truncate">{{ }}</span> ({{ value.size / 1000 }} KB)


The bottom slot is used to add content below the input. Useful for hints or errors. Includes the following slot props:

  • errorMessage: vee-validate property, if the input is invalid
  • valid: vee-validate meta property
  • touched: vee-validate meta property
  <template #bottom="{ errorMessage, valid, touched }">
      v-if="!valid && touched"
      class="mt-1 flex items-center text-rose-700"
        viewBox="0 0 24 24"
        class="fill-none mr-1 h-4 w-4 stroke-current stroke-2"
      <span class="mr-1">
        {{ errorMessage }}
        viewBox="0 0 24 24"
        class="fill-none mr-1 h-4 w-4 stroke-current stroke-2"


There are two ways to customize the appearance of the BnFileInput component:

classes prop

Every component has a classes prop that will accept an object where each key corresponds to an internal element of the component. The value of each key will be the classes that will be applied to that element. For the values, you can use strings, objects or arrays, the same way it works with Vue's class binding.

<bn-file-input name="input" :classes="{ button: 'rounded-full' }" />

Default styles will still be applied, but the classes you provide will take precedence, so you can use this to override any existing style.

The available keys for this component are:

  • wrapper: The element surrounding everything but the bottom slot
  • button: The button that opens the file dialog
  • avatar: The <button> element when using the avatar variant. It contains the preview when file is selected
  • label: The element that contains either the placeholder or the file name and clear button
  • placeholder: The element that contains the placeholder text when no file is selected
  • clear-button: The button that clears the selected file(s)


You can change the default appearance or even add variants by editing the configuration of the TailwindCSS plugin.

plugins: [
      theme: {
        BnInput: {
          '.bn-file-input': {
            '@apply bg-green-600': {},

You can find more information about customizing the library in Theme Customization.

API Reference


modelValueundefinedFileType (File[] | File | undefined)

Initial value for the file input. Can be a single file, an array of files, or undefined.

The name attribute of the file input.

Determines the color of the file input.

Validation rules for the checkbox. Usually a function that receives the value of the component and returns a boolean or a string if invalid.

If true, the file input will accept multiple files.

If true, the file input will be disabled.

The text displayed on the file input button.
placeholder'No file selected'string

The placeholder text for the file input when no file is selected.
variant'default''default' | 'avatar'

The variant of the file input.

The shape of the avatar in the file input.

Allows to customize the classes of the file input's elements.


focusEventEmitted when the file input is focused.
blurEventEmitted when the file input is blurred


SlotSlot PropsDescription
  • openFileDialog: Function
  • disabled: boolean
  • imagePreviewPath: Function
  • removeFile: Function
  • addFile: Function
  • value: FileType
Use to input the content inside the file input wrapper.

openFileDialog function can be used to open the file dialog.
disabled is a boolean indicating whether the file input is disabled.
imagePreviewPath function can be used to get the preview path of a file.
removeFile function can be used to remove a file from the file input.
addFile function can be used to add a file to the file input.
value is the current value of the file input.
  • errorMessage: string
  • valid: boolean
  • touched: boolean
Use to input the content at the bottom of the file input.

errorMessage is the validation error message.
valid is a boolean indicating whether the file input value is valid.
touched is a boolean indicating whether the file input has been touched.