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BnModal is a wrapper for the Dialog component from HeadlessUI component. It provides a simple way to create a modal with a header and a body.

Basic Usage

<bn-btn @click="open = true">
  Open modal
<bn-modal :open="open" @close="open = false">
  Modal Content

Title and Description

You can set the title and description of the modal by using the title and description props.

If the title prop is not set, the modal will not display a header.

The description prop is also optional and will display a description below the title, setting the aria-describedby attribute of the modal (more information in the HeadlessUI Dialog documentation). If your modal has no special html content, you should use this prop instead of adding a paragraph inside the modal.

  title="Modal Title"
  description="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quisquam, voluptatum."

Closing the modal

The modal emits a close event by default when pressing the escape key, clicking the close button or clicking outside the modal. You can use this event to close the modal by setting the open prop to false.

<bn-modal :open="open" @close="open = false">
  Modal Content

Close button

If the show-close-button is set to false, the modal will not display a close button.

<bn-modal :open="startOpened" @close="startOpened = false" :show-close-button="false">
  Modal Content

Close on overlay click

If the close-on-overlay-click is set to false, clicking outside the modal will not close it.

  @close="startOpened = false"
  Modal Content

Full screen on mobile

If the full-screen-on-mobile prop is set to true, the modal will take up the full screen on mobile devices.

  Modal Content


BnModal provides a default slot for adding content to the modal.

<bn-modal :open="true">
  <h2 class="text-lg text-bold mb-4">Modal Content</h2>


There are two ways to customize the appearance of the BnModal component:

classes prop

Every component has a classes prop that will accept an object where each key corresponds to an internal element of the component. The value of each key will be the classes that will be applied to that element. For the values, you can use strings, objects or arrays, the same way it works with Vue's class binding.

<bn-btn @click=" = true">
  Open modal
  title="This is the header"
  description="This is the body"
  :classes="{ overlay: 'bg-yellow-500/30' }"
  @close=" = false"

Default styles will still be applied, but the classes you provide will take precedence, so you can use this to override any existing style.

The available keys for this component are:

  • overlay: The overlay/backdrop rendered behind the modal
  • content: The modal itself, a DialogPanel element
  • close-button: The close button
  • header: The DialogTitle element containing the title prop
  • body: The DialogDescription element containing the description prop


You can change the default appearance or even add variants by editing the configuration of the TailwindCSS plugin.

plugins: [
      theme: {
        BnModal: {
          '.bn-modal': {
            '@apply bg-green-600': {},

You can find more information about customizing the library in Theme Customization.

API Reference



Determines whether the modal is open or closed.

Sets the title of the modal. If present, the modal will have a header.

Sets the description of the modal. It should be preferred if the modal will have no other custom content.

If true, the modal will be displayed in full screen on mobile devices. Otherwise, it'll show as a normal modal.

Determines whether to show the close button on the modal.

If true, clicking on the overlay will close the modal. Otherwise, it won't.

Allows to customize the classes of the modal's elements.


closebooleanEmitted when the modal is closed. The modal won't close unless you handle this event to set open to false.`


SlotSlot PropsDescription
default--Use to input the modal content. Not necessary if you're using the description prop and don't need to use html tags.